Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Update/Answering Survey

I update on my shoulder, talk about how good I look, and my hair looks a bit fun


  1. YES! that was cool and i am sure your family thought it was cool that you miss them. how about a boa constrictor? dude stay safe. be good. your in my prayers! steve

  2. sorry, snakes aren't my thing ;)

  3. it was worth the shot. just so you know ... there's very little i wouldn't do when i was your age ... but that didn't always work out so well for me so you are probably on a better path.
    would like to stop by to say hey when your back in town. be safe. be good. praying for you.

  4. sure thing, i'll let u know when I get back (or will probably just be posted in my blog)
