Saturday, June 25, 2011

6/25/11 Update

I had my first round of shots today.  Twinrix (hep A+B), Typhoid, and Tetanus are highly reccomended so I went with that.  I just have to get a second dose of Twinrix one month from now and I'll be 95% covered/safe from hepatitis.  Then after 6 months I just have to get a third dose which I can get out there.  My next appointment is July 27th and then I have to wait a few weeks for the shots to kick in.

I'm starting to narrow down a more exact date to leave.  Right now I'm looking somewhere between September 10th-21st.  This will give me time for the shots to take affect and also save enough cash.  My last car payment is in the mail, so now I can start saving a lot faster.  Also, I figure I can get paid for Labor Day, might as well since it's free money.  My storage unit is totally emptied out, and I have very few other things to get rid of.  I have a few small things left to do and I'll be ready to go.

I took a video tour of where I'll be staying the first month.  I'll be rooming with a friend until I find my own place and get set up which should take a few weeks.  It will be cheaper than staying in a hotel and much nicer.  Our other two friends live in the building across the street, and I'll likely be moving into there since it fits my long term financial budget better.  It'll be great to be so close to people I know, and they can show me around so I don't end up lost in a jungle somewhere :) .

That's pretty much all I have to update.  Once I'm out there I'll be sure to update frequently, but I might be too busy riding elephants and laying on the beach, so no promises.  It's getting harder to work since I know I won't be there much longer.  They still don't know I'm quitting, although I have told a few people so hopefully it hasn't spread to the top yet.  I'll likely tell them the last week of August, and give them 2-3 weeks notice.  Until then, I'll still be stuck here in Illinois, but at least I'll get the nice summer weather before I leave and then bounce as soon as it starts to cool off.  If anybody wants to hang out before I leave just give me a call, email, facebook message, or something and we'll figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're well on your way. I'm enjoying your blog so far, Robby; Post often, if you can. I look forward to seeing all your crazy adventures out there. Good luck!
